Arriving at
・Application of Stance
・Preliminary to Foot Stance Discrimination

 This chapter follows the style of 'VFDC Wiki',[1] with some revisions which shall add important principles. The strategy based on Foot Stance had been recognized since Virtua Fighter 2 (since 1994). Most of the examples in previous chapters have been of strategies that involve no concept of Foot Stance. They have indeed all been basic strategy of attack. We hope this has established the basic strategies but we would now turn to Foot Stance that is an important concept that can play a major role within the Virtua Fighter system.

9・1 Stance
 In every Virtua Fighter game, the relation of each player's foot position would be collectively known as Foot Stance.

Stances can be one of two types:

Closed Stance
 Closed Stance refers to the case where each player has the same foot forward (Figure 91).

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 91

 In the left figure below, both Player 1 and 2 have their left foot forward and right foot back (Figure 92 left). This is the default starting stance that both players will have at the beginning of each round. In the right figure, both Player 1 and 2 have their right foot forward and left foot back (Figure 92 right). The term Closed Stance originated from a reference to door positions. If you imagine a line connecting Player 1's feet, and another line connecting Player 2's feet, then the two lines would look like // or \\ resembling a closed door when viewed from above.

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 92

Open Stance
 Open Stance refers to the case where each player has an opposing foot forward (Figure 93).

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 93

 In the left footprint image, Player 1 has their left foot forward and Player 2 has their right foot forward (Figure 94 left). In the second footprint image, Player 1 has their right foot forward and Player 2 has their left foot forward (Figure 94 right). If you imagine a line connecting Player 1's feet, and another line connecting Player 2's feet, then the two lines would look like /\or \/ resembling an open door when viewed from above.

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 94

9・2 Application of Stance
 There are 7 main applications of stance within Virtua Fighter system:

・ Collision Detection[2]
・ Application to High Throws[3]
・ Application to Throw Escape[4]
・ Application to Guard Break[5]
・ Evading Half Circular Attacks[6]
・ Effect on Combos[7]
・ Application to Back Dash[8]

 Don’t be concerned if you are weak in Foot Stance discrimination. Each chapter will strengthen your understanding, in which you would gradually acquire skills to discriminate the stance. The key note is that:

the knowledge of concepts is one of essential way to put them into practice.

9・3 Preliminary to Foot Stance Discrimination
 As a brief discussion, 2 simple examples of Foot Stance discrimination are demonstrated in this section.

Example 1: Recognize Own Foot Stance
 In the figure below, the end of stage exists on a back side of Player 1 (Figure 95). Player 1 has to choose the best attack for him. At 7 frames advantage,[9] Player 1 attempts Chouzan Housui 46P+K (19 frames attacks) against Player 2's 12 frames standing punch P. Player 2 is blown out in a direction orthogonal to the end of stage, which results in Ring out.

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 95

 In contrast, now the end of stage exists on a front side of Player 1 (Figure 96). Player 1 chooses Sayu Kaikyu 4PP which should blew out Player 2 into the front side of Player 1. The result will be quite obvious.

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 96

 These examples above reveal an important concept in this game. To put out opponent from ring with attacks, all you have to do is to recognize own Foot Stance. Needless to say, the same is true of combos (See the video below).[10,11] This applies to attacking-throws, e.g. Akira’s Hontei Goko Hazankou, too (Figure 97).

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 97

Example 2: Recognize Opponent’s Foot Stance
 In contrast to attacks, the condition after throws depends on only Foot Stance of opponent. A dramatic example occurs in the production of the following Akira’s combo (developed by Gomimushi Akira and KanSee the video below).[12] Now the wall exists on a back side of Player 2, and then Player 1 throws with Youshi Senrin 64P+G (Figure 98). In this scenario, Player 2 was driven by Youshi Senrin into closes proximity to wall, and then Player 1 would obtain an opportunity of exceptional follow-up combo (click here if you want to see follow-up combo 1). Notice that Player 1 doesn't have the chance of this combo at the inverted foot stance of opponent (click here if you want to see Supporting Information).

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 98

 The next example will introduce another Wall Hit Effect. The wall exists on a front side of Player 2, and then Player 1 throws with Ryushu Katou 214P+G. Player 2 would be driven into closes proximity to wall (Figure 99).

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 99

 Notice that the wall now exists on Player 2’s side. In this scenario (11+3 frames advantage),[13] Player 1's Hou'ou Soushou 6PP is guaranteed and generates Special Wall Stagger which is one of the most heavy stagger (Figure 910).[14] Indeed, Player 1's Rouko Kensou, Kokei 3P, would be guaranteed even though a great deal of work has been done on the reduction of the stagger time (click here if you want to see follow-up combo 2).

バーチャファイター VF5FS攻略
 Figure 910

 These examples above demonstrate another important concept in this game. To drive opponent into the end of the ring with throws, all you have to do is to recognize opponent’s Foot Stance. The general properties of Throws are the topic of the next chapter.[15]

Commentary on Chapter 9


[1] VFDC, Wiki, Positions: ttp://
[2] Collision Detection
[3] General Properties of Throw 2
[4] General Properties of Throw Escapes
[5] Catch Throws and Guard Break Attacks 3
[6] General Properties of Defensive Move
[7] Guaranteed Attacks: After Guarding
[8] Guaranteed Attacks: After Whiffing
[9] Category: Strategy 1
[10] kanブログ: ttp://
[11] kanブログ: ttp://
[12] kanブログ: ttp://
[13] Advantage and Disadvantage
[14] VF5FSレタスメモ: ttp://
[15] General Properties of Throw 1

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