今回は,横転受け身に対するセットプレイ即死連携)を紹介します . This movie descrives the cooperative effects of combos and attack on side-roll recovery (known as Oten-Ukemi in Japanese).


 紹介するセットプレイには4つの制限を設けています: The design of combinations shown in the video is characterized by the following 4 features: The feature, the first to third, are the same with previous works.

1. 横転受け身に打撃を重ねる: Guaranteed Attack on Side-roll Recovery
 横転受け身行動不能時間(横転受け身の最終3フレーム)に打撃を重ねているため,対戦相手は立ちまたはしゃがみガード以外の行動(避け,暴れ,当て身または捌き)をとることができません: The active phase of the attack is consistent with either of the last 3 frames of side-roll recovery: Indicates a situation in which an attack cannot be evaded, and therefore is guaranteed to hit or block.

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2. セットプレイ: Combinations, Renkei in Japanese
 動画で紹介するセットプレイでは,たった1つの連繋で相手をKOします: The Instant Death Combinations were constructed using only one set-play on side-roll recovery.

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3. 横転受け身に対する側面取り: Attack onto Side Face of the Opponent
 動画で紹介する連繋では,横転受け身に対する側面取りを行っています: The combinations involves an attacking onto the side face of your opponent at least one times.[1,2]

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 動画では側面壁やられを伴うセットプレイを紹介しています.側面壁やられは,打撃で対戦相手を斜め前の壁にぶつけた場合に誘発される特殊な壁やられです.特殊正面壁よろけとは異なり,対戦相手は壁ヒットから43フレームの間,相手の打撃をガードすることができず,かつこの時間を回復して短縮することができません: The combinations involves the Wall Side Stun: This is a special type of heavy stun which is induced by frontal attacks to push the opponent diagonally in front wall of you. Unlike the Wall Side Stagger, the opponent cannot struggle to reduce the time spent in this vulnerable state (43 frames).[3]

4. 一発側面崩れ誘発技を当てる: Side Crumple on Normal Hit!!
 側面を取る際,ノーマルヒットでも側面崩れを誘発する打撃を重ねるように連繋を設定しました: Side crumple is typically caused by counter hit of mid attacks like side kicks to the opponent's side. There are, however, few mid attacks which result Side Crumple on Normal Hit (See figure below). The combinations involves Guaranteed Side Crumple on Side-roll Recovery, in which an attack cannot be evaded. Therefore, the attack is guaranteed to hit or block.

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 横転受け身後に側面崩れとなった場合,崩れ誘発技を含めて最大6ヒットまでのコンボしか入らない仕様となっています: "The side crumple on side-roll recovery" makes an exceptional limitation wherein you have to choose combo in max 6 hits including the first mid attack.

Typical Example, 代表例 (1:13 ~ 1:18)
 パイ: 側面崩れからのコンボで,466P+K46K+G9G_K6K+GPKと入力していますが,Pの部分で既に6ヒットしてることから,本来7ヒットするK部分はスカっています: Pai Chan: You would expect 7 hits combo on side crumple (for example, 466P+K → 46K+G → 9G_K → 6K+G → PK). Indeed, this is one of the most efficient combo on general side crumple. Notice the observation: The combo in the movie was finished by P (6th hit), because the side crumple on side-roll recovery makes the limitation that is mentioned above. You cannot make 7 hits combo.

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 従って.動画では6ヒットまでさせた後,壁ダウン受け身に対して打撃の最大溜めが重なるような連繋を紹介しています: Therefore, the combinations are constructed with 6 hits combo and Guaranteed Maximum Charge Attack on Side-roll Recovery.

VFDC Forums
Guaranteed Side Crumple on Side-Roll Recovery: ttp://goo.gl/hoCMQJ

[1] 横転受け身に対する側面取り 1
[2] 横転受け身に対する側面取り 2
[3] VF5FSレタスメモ: ttp://lettuce1789.blog133.fc2.com/blog-entry-350.html

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